“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
Romans 8:28
Romans 8:28

The journey has been an interesting with lots of twists and turns. But through it all, our heavenly Father has held our hands, guided us, and showed His loving care. Conrad was first interested in missionary aviation as he watched the airplane bring mail, supplies, people, etc to the remote location where his family was living and serving God in Canada. In high school, God spoke to his heart and he committed to serve the Lord in full time ministry wherever God would lead him. In high school, I made the commitment to serve God wherever He wanted. I never dreamed it would be Africa. In 2001, we were married after I finished my degree in Elementary Education. In 2004, Conrad finished his training with Moody Bible Institute. As we sought God's direction for our lives, He lead us to MAF in July 2007. When MAF asked us to go to Mozambique, we had to get a map out and see where it was located. ;) After studying Portuguese in Portugal, we arrived in Mozambique in December 2009.
In the spring 2016, we boarded an airplane with tears in our eyes and said good-bye to the country that had been our home. This new calling in a new location had started 1 1/2 years before when God had clearly spoke to our hearts. In the fall of 2016, Conrad started as the Senior Pastor at our sending church here in the USA. While this has been a twist and turn we didn't expect, God is faithful. We are thankful how MAF has blessed us in our new location of service and released us to do God work in a different role. We are learning and adjusting back to life in our "new" culture. A culture that used to be familiar and comfortable.
Even though we have moved back to the USA, our life still isn't boring. "Normal" isn't usually part of our vocabulary anymore, although there are days I wish it was. I hope you enjoy a peak into our lives and the different thoughts I'm processing as I continue to grow in my relationship with my loving Heavenly Father.
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