Friday, December 22, 2017

Christmas Spirit, what EVER!

I glanced down at my “To Do” list and groaned.

To do:
  • Email Josie about the Christmas play
  • Make sure home school happens today
  • Make the sugar cookies dough for tomorrow
  • Text Jill to check if kids are better
  • Contact Sue about Christmas party
  • Remember to feed my kids
  • Text Mary about meeting on Wed
  • Call Emma about Christmas program
  • Remember to wash needed clothes for Christmas program tonight

It’s that time of year again, when the “to do” list is longer than we can handle. The finances get tight and tempers start to rise.  Our hearts feel overwhelmed and frustrated. 

As I climbed out of the car to rush my kids to their choir practice, the song “It’s the most wonderful time of the year” was playing on the radio.  My heart sarcastically remarked, “Yeah right, if you only knew.  I remember a time when life was slower and Christmas was fun.  That was a long time ago.” 

But then that sweet still small voice spoke.  Breathing a reminding into my heart, “What are you choosing?  Are you choosing people or events?  Are you choosing lots of activities or just being present?”

I paused to reflect.

I’ve been working through Galatians in my personal time.  The first two chapters are all about how the church had allowed the laws from Judaism to control how they were responding to new believers.  While they were free in Christ, they were still trying to live under the law.  The two didn’t work.  They were trying to live in both the old and new way of life.  They had allowed the law to hold more value than a relationship with Jesus.

I know that Paul was referring directly to the laws of Judaism that had creep into the faith of the church at Galicia.  But what if the “laws” that I’ve allowed to creep into my life are wrong values in my heart.  What if the “laws” that governing my Christmas activities is more about unrealistic expectations that I have placed on myself and the ministry God has given me.  What if “laws” are the fact that I’ve allowed myself to buy into the mindset that it’s my job to keep all the balls that I’m juggling in the air.    

Galatians 2: 16a  reads “Yet we know that a person is not justified by works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ,” (ESV)  Justification, the act of being made righteous, doesn’t happen by following the law, rules prescribing what a person must do.  What rules/self expectations have I allowed to creep into my heart?  Rules/expectation like
  • I have to keep my house perfectly during this time.
  • My Christmas decorations have to look like Martha Steward.
  • I must make as many Christmas goodies as possible.
  • I must make sure the presents under the tree are exactly what is expected.
  • I have to attend all local Christmas programs that I knew someone who is in it.
  •  I must make time for every need I see during this Christmas season because it can be hard time for people…. 

 Unrealistic expectations have a way of creeping into our minds and unknowingly we often allow them to rule our hearts.  Expectations which are good and sound Godly, but they start ruling our hearts and becoming idols (something we serve beside God).  Expectations that we can never have the time or energy to complete and then guilt comes in like a wave.  The guilt of never being enough.   The guilt that leaves us feeling emotionally drained and ready to pull away from everyone around us.  The guilt that makes us paste on the fake smile and pretend that it’s all good.

One of the names of Jesus is Emmanual, “God with us”.  Jesus coming was so we could have a living, vibrant, and personal relationship with God.  Over and over during Jesus’ ministry, we see Jesus positively pointing out those who choose to be present in the moment, not those who are the busiest.

So my choice is, will I allow the rules of my expectations govern my heart this Christmas season or will I choose to be present in each moment that Jesus gives me?  Will I choose grace for my mistakes or will I allow guilt to control my heart?

Will I allow the wash to sit in a pile on the couch, so I can be present as my youngest giggles with glee as she helps decorate the Christmas tree?

Will I be ok with skipping the 10th different kind of Christmas goodie which means I can’t brag about my accomplishment on facebook, so I can sit and cuddle with my hubby on the couch at the end of the day?

Will I choose to be present, an active participate in the relationships that are around me or will I be consumed with the details/expectations and allow them to rule my heart. 

Jesus, Emmanul (God with us), came to be an active participate in the relationships around him, may we choose to be present in relationships this Christmas season.


  1. Great thoughts Heidi. "Being present" a wonderful point for contemplation.
    Well done, I enjoyed it.

  2. Thank you.. I didn't get an email notification of this.. and I'm thinking I briefly saw FB Anyhow good thoughts.. i hope your Christmas Day is pleasant..
