Tuesday, December 15, 2015


Dreams.  The dictionary defines a dream as “something wished for; a hope or ambition.” Dreams are interesting things.  Sometimes dreams are for a season.  Sometimes dreams are there but then life happens and for a time they lay dormant in your heart.  Sometimes dreams come but as you seek God they also go again.  Sometimes dreams are all consuming and one much pursue it with reckless ambition.   

When we first came to Mozambique, 6 years ago, I had a dream to use my love of photography to bless others.  As long as I can remember, I’ve loved taking pictures.  When I was younger, I loved pictures of scenery, still life, and animals.  As I’ve grown, I’ve starting enjoying taking pictures of people.  The challenge of trying to capture a moment in time that also reflects the person, is something that I enjoy.  I love trying to find ways to make the subject feel beautiful as I capture their smile.  As I looked around the mission community here, there was no one who was excited about taking pictures of other missionaries.  We all need new prayer card pictures.  We all need pictures to send to our relatives in our home countries.  I noticed that as missionaries, we were focused on getting pictures of our ministries to share with supporters but our family photos just didn’t get done.

Well, life got busy.  Just the daily grind of living overseas, took over my life and consumed me.  The dream of taking pictures for others started to go dormant in my heart.  The other thing that happened was I started looking around and saying to myself things like “But my camera isn’t as nice as ….  I don’t have the software to do the editing I want to do.  Why would I think that I could do something like this? What if I’m not good enough?  What if I fail?”  And so for a season, I dismissed the dream.   As life found a routine and life overseas became the normal for me instead of the abnormal, the dream started to surface again.  So now what?

I started taking it to the Lord in prayer.  I started asking God what He wanted me to do with this dream.  I started listening to what He was whispering into my heart.  I stopped believing the lie that it was better to not try then to try and fail.  As I started to seek God, God started to show Himself strong.  First, He blessed me with a new camera. Then two amazing lens fell into my lap from a photographer friend.  I had asked her a photography question and in the process shared my dream of doing pictures to bless other missionaries.  She informed me that she had two lens that she had just retired due to an upgrade and she wanted to give me the old ones.  Tears ran down my face as I read the message, I knew God was opening the door.  I needed to have the courage and faith to walk through.

Even so, it took longer to walk through that I thought it would.  The fear of failure is very powerful.  But God wasn’t done, He brought a couple of people into my life to help motivate me and guide me in the process of starting.  Then my hubby provided the last link that had been my final excuse, editing software.  So I knew I must step out in faith.  I must see where it goes. 

Since March until we went on a short furlough in August,  I’ve had the privilege of doing around 15 photo shoots for people.  People of different nationalities.  People that are serving  Jesus.  Are my pictures perfect?  No.  I’m always learning new things and way to make them better.   But I’m so thankful for on-line resources and classes that help me improve even when I live in a location that going to a classroom isn’t an option.  As I keeping taking pictures, I keep seeing them improve.  But more than anything, I find joy in seeing how it’s a way to bless others.

It’s when I hear someone say, “Our church just emailed and needs a picture of us.  For the first time, I have a picture I’m not ashamed to send.” I see God using my love of photography.  When I hear, “My children have all grown up here in Mozambique, but I don’t have any nice yearly school pictures or senior pictures of them, just the horrible passport pictures.  Having you take my daughter’s senior pictures is a huge gift to me.  I get to “keep” part of her here with me while she leaves for college next year.”  I better understand why God placed the dream on my heart.  When I hear, “Thank you for helping us take part of Mozambique with us through pictures as we move to serve God in another country.   These pictures are symbolic of the stage of our life spent here in Mozambique and will always be a way of remembering our time here.”  I thank God that He didn’t let the dream die and gave me the courage to step out in faith. 

So what dream is God asking you to use to build up His Church.  Don’t let the fear of failure or what others will think stop you.  Move in faith and see what God does.

Here a few of the photos that I’ve taken for others.  Enjoy!

A Zimbabwe family right before their oldest daughter headed off to college in Ireland.