Friday, February 19, 2016

Chicks and Crocodiles

Last Friday morning found us piling into our car along with some of Kayla’s classmates and heading out of town to the Chicken farm called Novos Horizontes.  For the expat community here in Nampula, we call the area “The Farm”.  But it’s really a number of businesses that are run by dedicated Christians from around the World.  The official name is "Community of Fusion."They use the businesses as a way to provide jobs for nationals as well as way to show and teach good ethics in business dealings.  Their ultimate desire is to disciple and strength the local church.  While they are busy running businesses, they are first and foremost Christians spreading the love of Jesus.   If you are curious about what they are doing here is a youtube link to see more about what they are doing.

 So Kayla’s kindergarten class, Grade 0 as they call them here, had a field trip and I had agreed to drive.  The morning was full of fun and lots of new information.  Since all the home school families also have kids in the kindergarten class, the home school kids got to join in the field trip too.  It was a fun morning as we learned all about baby chicks.  The day we visited they were busy getting 20,000 chicks ready to ship to a town about 5 hours away for people to raise there.  The kids had some much fun holding the baby chicks.

Getting to touch the chicks was so much fun.  They were so soft.

The smile says it all.

Look what I found.

Everything thing needs a little "kiss" and love now and then.

Learning how to tell if it's a boy or a girl chick

The whole group

Then it was off to the crocodile farm.  There is a location on the farm where they are now raising crocodiles.  Crocodiles are on the top of the food chain so are easy to feed.  When the crocodile gets big enough, they can be sold for their skins as well as the meat can be eating.  But because the skin is so important, the kids had to be very quiet as not to scare the crocodiles.  If a crocodiles gets scared they scratch themselves leaving their skin not usable.  So quietly we watched them feed the crocodiles.

The trail to the crocodiles

Dipping our feet in disinfectant so that we didn't bring in any disease.

These were four weeks old crocodiles.

The 4 week olds enjoying their lunch (maggots).

These crocodiles are around 1 year and 4 months

Resting in the shade but we did get to see a couple move very quickly to the water.

We also found a few other "friends" along the way.

Walking Stick

Very Big Spider. I was happy he stayed right there in his web!

Lastly we stopped and played at the school where the kids will travel to next year for Grade 1.  It was a very fun morning.  Thank you Novos Horizonte, Rapale International School, and Eggs for Africa for taking the time out of your busy schedules to teach us more about chicks and crocodiles.  

Monday, February 8, 2016

The Water Adventure

   Friday afternoon found us trying to enjoy a local pool while the rain poured from the sky.  It was a friend's birthday party and even though there was rain, the swimming must go on. :)  As I sat under a shelter and watched the kids swim, my mind went back to a time when every rain brought terror to my heart.  Conrad has worked hard and fixed the problem so now our house is so much better and rain doesn't bring terror anymore.  Now I can enjoy the rain.
   The kids were just talking about the this story the other night again.  Now two years later it's fun to see that it's a family memory that we still talk about.  Not the horribleness of it but the adventure it was.  So I decided to share what I wrote as a reflection just days after the experience happened.

  In the darkness of my children’s bedroom with only the flicker of a candle showing my way, I am kneeling in 1 inch water.  Water, that has just poured down their wall like a persistent waterfall.  A waterfall, I was helpless to stop.  I hear in the next room, my husband doing battle with his own “lake” of a couple of inches of water on the floor.  As I once again take the towel and wring it out into the bucket, sweat drips into my eyes.  My heart is crying out to God, really, really is this what you have for me?  Couldn’t you have come up with something just a little easier or a little better?  Couldn’t you at least just turn the electric back on so I could use my wet vac for the job?  God, I just can’t do it anymore?  God, I’m tired, can’t I just quit.

   My 8 year old girl and 6 year old boy are right beside me with their hand towels, soaking the towel and then wringing out the water into the bucket.  They are working so hard and are tired just like me.  I have to put on a brave face and figure out how to make this an adventure, an experience that in the future we could talk about and laugh about.  But in that moment, I wanted nothing more than to climb on to the next plane going away from here.

   Over an hour later and over 40 gallons of water hauled out two rooms, the floors in the room are now at a place where we could all get some rest.  The kids climb back into bed, after getting a treat of chocolate milk and a little time of playing on Daddy’s ipad, and quickly drift off to slumber land.  There was no talking from them as they waited to go to sleep, just silence.  Conrad and I sit on the couch hoping the electric will return so we could get at least a little of peaceful sleep and a short break from the sweltering heat.  I happen to glace over my shoulder and notice that a locally made wooden candlestick holder seems to be burning oddly bright.  Upon inspection, I realized that the candle holder itself was starting on fire and now I have a wooden candle burning happily on my wooden table.  This time I grabbed water and thanked God for it.

  This experience from a couple nights ago has been going around and around in my brain.  What is God trying to teach me?  I know my heavenly father well enough to know that there is always a bigger purpose in the challenges we face.  I also know that He will continue to teach us if we don’t learn what we were suppose too and this one I wanted to learn right away.   

   I find it fascinating that the very thing that just a short time before was making my life miserable, water.   Was the very thing that God had available to use when the wooden candlestick started to turn into a wooden candle.  And at the time I was feeling the lowest, He gently reminded me of the imprints my response would leave on my kids.  But God what is the lesson, what is the big picture, my heart cries.

  As I think back on the time of cleaning water in a candle light room with my two oldest kids, I see a family working together for a goal.  A goal of making something better than it was, we had purpose.  Then it hits me, isn’t that what Christ calls us too.  Christ calls his family, the church, to work together for a common purpose.  A purpose of touching whoever we come in contact with and impacting them for Christ.  Life has challenges and living in a developing country were water to drink, electric, and a dry house are not a given, He still calls us to make Godly impact on others.  I see his hand of protection, his provision, and his strength to face the challenge.  But more than that, I see him gently looking on and say “I know you’re tired, but there is a purpose in what you are doing.  Keep going, it will make a difference.  Keep loving others and making a impact for Me on their lives.” Suddenly in my memory, the room isn’t as hot, my knees don’t hurt as much, and I’m not quite as tired.  Why?  Because Jesus showed up, gave me the strength to keep going, and made it a family adventure.

    I know now without a shadow of a doubt that even if that plane would have come to my front door, I wouldn’t have boarded, because Jesus was giving me what I needed to survive.  We all have challenges, but I now have a better understanding of how Jesus can take the “water of frustration” and turn it into something good “protection from fire”.  Jesus can take the heat, exhaustion, and temptation to quit and make it an amazing “family” memory of making it through on His strength.  Because this life is not about what I have accomplished but what the family of God has accomplished together.  It’s about the “family memories” that we have when we can see how Jesus showed up.  So whatever you face today, may you make an imprint for Jesus.  May you find water for your soul.  May your find strength to carry on.  May you be part of the “family memory” that Jesus has for you.