Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Rejoicing in Christmas

Since coming to Mozambique, this is the first Christmas that we don’t have something “extra special” planned.  This year there is no visitors or no trips.  This year it’s going to just be us, here at home.  We have a couple of boxes from family and friends in the states and a couple heading our way so we have something special.  But this Christmas looks so different.  No holiday gathers with family, no Christmas eve carol singing (We did ours here at the beginning of Dec when people are still around).  Yes, Christmas looks different this year. 

Since Christmas is my FAVORITE holiday I was feeling a little sad about not having more “excitement” planned.  Then the Lord spoke to my heart reminding me that Christmas is a time of rejoicing and being thankful.  Being thankful and rejoicing are a choice. It’s not based on what is happening or what is not happening; it’s a choice to rejoice no matter the circumstances.  So I choose to rejoice.

While I miss my family during this holiday season, I choose to rejoice and celebrate the friends that God has given me here.  While I will miss the snow this year, I choose to rejoice that the rain has come to quench this dry land.  The rains of life replenishing the ground so people can grow gardens and have food to eat.  So I will praise God for the rain.  While I will miss the “Christmas feel” the states offer, I will choose to rejoice in the fact that God is anywhere in the world.  While I will miss the beauty of everything done up in lights, I will treasure and rejoice in the Christmas projects my kids do and decorations in my living room. 

Alissa's Nativity that she made this year all by herself.

  Because Christmas is about Jesus, the best gift ever.  So I will rejoice in the greatest gift ever.  I will be thankful for my many blessings and rest in the fact that I know I’m exactly where God wants me right now. So I will rejoice in celebration of my Savior's birth, Christmas, this year.

1 comment:

  1. Heidi.. my dear Heidi... how I love you and I thank God for you...

    I loved the Nativity Scene Alissa made...so very dear.

    I'll miss you, too... and yet.. the ache of not being together is made precious because there IS an ache and not ANGER and SEPARATION of soul and love. The dynamics of family are varied and on-going, yet there is love and appreciation on a number of levels.. and I thank God that Jesus has made it possible for us to love each other and those around us...

    I hope your time together is sweet and memorable.. I hope the Electric stays on, the house stays dry and you stay well and safe...

    Hope to chat with you a bit tomorrow at some point...
